
Uneditable regions

Uneditable regions are chunks of content inside content regions that users can't modify.


To define an uneditable region, simply add the uneditable class to any element inside of a content region. The code in this example will prevent users from making changes to the div in the middle:

<div id="my-content" class="editable">
    <p>Lorem ipsum…</p>

    <div class="uneditable">
        <h1>This element isn’t editable</h1>
        <p>You won’t be able to make changes to this DIV in the editor.</p>

    <p>Lorem ipsum…</p>

Although users won’t be able to make changes to uneditable regions, they can still delete the entire block. At this time, there is no way to prevent content inside content regions from being deleted if a user chooses to do so. The only reliable way of ensuring something remains on a page is to place it outside of a content region.

Proper usage

This feature is intended to prevent smaller chunks of content to be modified. For larger sections, it’s almost always better to split the page up into multiple content regions instead. Here are some additional tips for properly using this feature:

  • Don’t use uneditable regions for large sections of content.
  • Don’t put structural markup inside uneditable regions.
  • Refrain from making entire pages editable. Instead, consider using more than one content region.
  • Don’t put anything you don’t want clients to potentially delete inside a content region — even in an uneditable region.

This is an experimental feature. Implementation is unlikely to change, but please use at your own risk.